Ministry of Service
School Supplies Collection
The Women of Faith gathered basic school supplies in July and August for Grand Rapids Public Schools students. Liaison for this project was Carrie Lachniet. We thank all those who contributed to this project that benefits students as they start a new school year.
Stewardship and Missions activities currently supported by the generosity of the people of Faith Lutheran Church . . .
Communion Visitation Team—We are dedicated to maintaining our relationships with those members of our church who are no longer able to come and worship with us. Members of our Communion Visitation Team receive training and support as they take Communion to those of our members who are no longer able to attend church for worship and fellowship.
Samaritas Senior Living Communion and Fellowship—A good number of our members now live on the Samaritas Senior Living Campus, and we love gathering with them on the third Thursday of each month (at 3:30 pm) for an informal Communion service, followed by refreshments and a time of casual fellowship. This ministry has really blossomed over the last ten years. We’re so pleased that our friends at Samaritas have invited their friends to come and join them for this time.
Quilting—Each week (during the school year) a group of our members gather to share lunch and put together quilts. Many of the finished quilts decorate our sanctuary before being given away to hospitals, newborn babies, and local (as well as distant) missions. The quilts are artistic expressions of the gifts that our members have, lovingly made, and freely shared for those in need.
Knitting—Our Faithful Knitters continue a wonderful ministry of knitting or crocheting prayer shawls and baby blankets. These are distributed to places like Alpha Women's Center, Michigan Veterans Facility, Ronald McDonald House, Kent County Health Department, and Booth Family Center.
Samaritans Purse—This congregation participates in Operation Christmas Child by gathering small gifts for children around the world. Shoeboxes are filled with gifts appropriate for boys and girls in different age ranges. The boxes are then gathered and delivered to those in need, often in far-away places.
Angel Tree—During Advent, we have an Angel Tree in the narthex (lobby) on which you will find labels that identify a person by age and gender. Members of our congregation are encouraged to take a label and shop for a gift that would be appropriate for this person. These gifts are then gathered and distributed to the recipients throughout the community.
Mitten Tree—The Mitten Tree reminds us not to let anyone go to school or work during the cold winter months without something to keep their hands and head warm. Gloves, mittens, and hats of various styles and sizes are donated through this project to those in need in our community and around the state.
Holiday Food Baskets—Before Christmas, our congregation gathers food and donates money to fill food baskets for families in need in our neighborhoods. Then we gather as a community, young and old, to assemble the food—hams and stuffing and cranberries, and a variety of other staples—in boxes in time for a very special holiday meal. In 2018, we assembled and distributed more than fifty boxes!
Latvia, Honduras, and Papua, New Guinea—These are our companion churches around the globe. We strive to remember and support them through prayer and financial offerings as they share in the mission of Christ with us in their contexts and among the people in their communities.
Samaritas—This service of our church reaches out to the elderly, refugees, and children in need of foster care around our state. We are excited by the work they do as they express God’s love through concrete acts of compassion, and we strive to support Samaritas through volunteer participation in their work and financial support of their programs.
North West Lower Michigan Synod and ELCA—The people of Faith Lutheran Church support the ongoing missions of our Synod and the national ELCA organizations. The funds we send to these larger organizations of our church body provide for higher education settings (Lutheran Colleges and Seminaries), assistance for new churches, and coordinated efforts for providing services to those in need.
Special Appeals and Special Projects—Along with these missions, we always remain open and attentive to the needs of those in our neighborhoods, and around our world, who are in need. In the last few years, the people of Faith have responded with generosity to the victims of floods, earthquakes, storms, and violence. We have donated to the health and welfare of others through the Heifer Project, malaria prevention and protection campaigns, clean and accessible water projects, and Lutheran World relief.
North End Community Ministry (NECM)—Provides services for those in need in this community. NECM hosts a food pantry open to the community. Some of the resources include a personal care pantry, food pantry, a supper house—offering warm meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays—educational classes, infant toy closet, back-to-school resources, and so much more.
Funeral Luncheons—This dedicated group gathers to provide luncheons for those who are grieving following funerals or memorial service. Foods are purchased and brought to the church, where these members prepare the luncheon, host the gathering, and clean up after the event. These luncheons are provided for only the cost of foods purchased (often desserts and other items are donated as well). If the family wishes to make a donation to the Women of Faith, they may do so, and these monies are often used to support other missions of the church.
Community Garden—Faith’s Community Garden is open to members of the congregation as well as to our neighbors who simply wish to have a little space for their own gardening. Often extra vegetables are donated to others.
Pizza and Movie Nights—This is a small gathering that comes together during the winter months in the Fellowship Hall. It’s a time of fellowship for the community. We have purchased a license that allows us to show movies without infringing on copyright laws.
Access Walk for Good Food—Formerly called “the Hunger Walk,” our congregation continues to collect donations and participate in this event that educates the public about our local food needs and assists families and individuals as it raises money to provide good food for our community.
Band Concert, Ice Cream Social and Back to School Bash—This is an annual event in which the very talented members of our Praise Band put together a concert featuring music that ranges from rock and pop to blues, show tunes, and whatever else they choose to bless us with. Donations are donated to the NECM Back to School Program, which purchases book bags and other school supplies for needy children in our neighborhood.
God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday—On this Sunday, we put our faith into action as we participate in a project specifically tailored for this community. Last year we assembled “Bedtime-Bags.” Items such as toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, bedtime books, and stuffed toys were collected during the summer. The sewing group at this church sewed bags to hold these items, and on the designated Sunday, we gathered following our worship service to put items in the bags, which were then distributed to those in need.